IT that changes at the speed of business
Reliable backups are vital. Even brand-new systems can fail. Natural disasters, thefts, and break-ins can occur. Viruses and ransomware can hold your data hostage. Software updates can corrupt working configurations. Murphy's Law is alive and well.
Reliable backups are vital. Even brand-new systems can fail. Natural disasters, thefts, and break-ins can occur. Viruses and ransomware can hold your data hostage. Software updates can corrupt working configurations. Murphy's Law is alive and well.
Remote, cloud-based backups ensure you have quick access to your data for minor issues such as inadvertently deleted or damaged files. Off-site copies also protect your onsite data from thefts, fires, floods--even ransomware.
Contact us today to see how you can have an affordable backup strategy that will give you peace of mind.
Contact us today to see how you can have an affordable backup strategy that will give you peace of mind.